BYG Scotland Mission Trip Day 4

BYG Scotland Mission Trip Day 4

BYG Scotland Mission Trip – Day 4

Tuesday was another sunny, blue skies and unseasonably warm day for us in Perth.  We started the day off meeting Susan from the Rangers of Perth Council Community Greenspace department to clear a path on St Magdalene Hill.  The team worked hard to cut back blackberry, raspberry and brownberry bushes plus other weeds to widen a section of a path used by many in the area.  Unlike last year where a team dodged rain storms to clear a path, this year we were in full sun and almost 80 degrees.  In the end, we were able to cut back almost 6 feet of weeds on each side of path for about 300 feet.  Susan was yet again impressed and very appreciative of our help and hard work.

After cleaning up and grabbing lunch, we all headed to the community center to get ready for HBC day 2.  Confidence in prayer was our subject for the day and we were all excited to work with the kids.  God blessed us with 6 kids attending for day 2 of HBC.  The day consisted of 

  • Jeremy opening up the day explaining the lesson and group putting on a play about prayer
  • HBC songs 
  • Class time, led by Abby, on what the Bible says about prayer and why it is so important in our lives
  • Craft time to make a prayer box 
  • Fun activities for application of prayer and trusting in God (blind fold maze and pass through trials of life)

(Jeremy grateful he was not dropped by the team as he was passed through the trust web)

In the end, we had a great HBC day 2 and the kids really enjoyed learning about confidence in prayer.  May God be the Glory!  

After dinner, we attended day 2 of the Gospel meeting back at the community center.  We had over 50 in attendance with 5 Scotland congregations represented, it was so encouraging.  Plus we had 4 of the 6 kids from HBC earlier in the day attending, yet again, very encouraging.  Ben led us in song and Jeremy brought us a powerful lesson on prayer and showing us why we must use prayer in our every day life.  After the meeting, we all enjoyed fellowship together and reacquainting friendships from last year as we had tea, coffee and goodies.  May God be the Glory! 

We ended the night hiking to the top of Kinnoull Hill, one of our favorite excursions during the week.  The weather had actually turned cooler and when we all made it to the top, the breeze finally made it feel like Scotland.  As in the past, the views were spectacular and we got to the top right around sunset and enjoyed watching it disapper below the horizon, a rare occasion in Scotland as you usually have cloud cover.  Ben brought us a great lesson for our devo and we sang praises to God feeling like we were on top of the world all while taking in God’s beautiful creation of this area around Perth.  

Day 4 was a special day and we all enjoyed working with our brothers and sisters in Perth for planting and watering the seed.  May God be the Glory!

Thanks for your prayers and day 5 update coming soon!

In Him

Todd and BYG Missionaries