BYG Mission Trip Day 3
Day 3 started off working at the Perth City Council food bank moving cereals, pasta sauces, canned goods and disposing of expired products donated. The director of the food bank was yet again impressed with our work ethic, how much we got done and very appreciative for our help. He remembered us from last year and was so excited to hear we were coming. Scott volunteers here weekly and has built a great relationship with the food bank and many others from Perth who volunteer. Giving back always helps us no mater the job and may the seeds we and Scott are planting produce fruit in the days/weeks to come. After our finished helping, we all then grabbed lunch in town, spent a few minutes shopping and then off to HBC.

We had two PCOC youth come to HBC, even though Scott had given our many leaflets, contacted most of the weekly youth club parents for HBC and went buy the school/home to pick up youth. However, we might have needed to alter our schedule, we did not alert our enthusiasm for the two who came covering confidence in the scriptures. HBC consisted of
- HBC type fun songs
- A play about the days subject acted out by BYG actors
- Jeremy leading the group in three exercises of how we as humans can change information and details as we communicate. The exercises covered the integrity of communication for a message, a code and a drawing by giving one person the information who then shared with another and so on until the last person got the information. Jeremy then gathered from the last person their information and compared to the original. In every case, the integrity of the original communication through this exercise had changed just after 15 people participated.
- Ben and I taught application lessons using scriptures where God gave us instructions for building the ark, disposal of waste, the number of stars, etc and when ‘man’ began practicing or agreed best practice 100/1000’s years after God’s scripture.
- Crafts for decorating their own Bible work key highlighted scriptures and home made tabs for subjects like Confidence, etc.

We all enjoyed the day and were as enthusiastic for two just as if we had 22. With Perth going through very rare heat wave (temps between 75 and 80), cloudless skies (unheard of for weeks at a time) and with no rain (another rare experience), many parents are keeping their kids in the house. Even the news is warning parents to keep kids out of the sun, how to keep cool with cool water in front of fans, etc, etc. In the end, we hope for more tomorrow as we continue to get the word out.

After KFC picnic as a group, we started the 4th annual PCOC gospel meeting with Jeremy returning as he was the first preacher for a PCOC gospel meeting. We had about 40 in attendance with some from East Kilbride and Cumbernauld congregations. It was a great lesson from Luke 2:52 and the four areas of confidence Jesus had in his life. Afterwards we had tea, coffee, biscuits and cakes for fellowship and catching up.

After the meeting, we headed for one of our daily excursions to heritage sites, the Hermitage waterfall and woodlands, in and around Perth. We all took in the beautiful creation God stroked in this part of Scotland from the tall cedars to the rushing waterfall to the serene forest. We had a devo near the waterfall led by Jeremy and then we proceeded into the a round shaped building all made out of stone where we annually love to sing praises together to God. We sang almost to midnight as it is so beautiful to experience and you don’t want to leave (hopefully you can listen to a file attached to your email for about 17 of us singing).

In the end, our first HBC day was very productive for The Lord and encouraging to see the work here in Perth active with plenty of opportunities to plant and harvest. We enjoyed our fellowship throughout the day and through the evening as we studied His Word, experienced His creation and sung praises to God together.
May God be the Glory!
In Him
Todd and the BYG Missionaries.