BYG Scotland Mission Trip – Day 5
Happy 4th of July from Scotland (a day later)! The day was great and God provided record temps again to help us from USA feel right at home…in low 80s, full sun and no wind. It’s quite interesting we are celebrating our independence ?? from Great Britain ?? while here and many older folk consider it treason day. And I have been asked a few times from some older gentlemen here how the experiment in America is going…of course all done in fun. But, every day is a blessing from God and so glad we could enjoy together with our brothers and sisters in Perth.
We started the morning with a pleasant surprise in our agenda by sleeping in for a bit. The plans for the morning only needed four to help Scott at Noah’s Ark mini amusement park with some of the youth club members cashing in on a reward they got from bringing the most visitors to weekly youth club. Abby, Rachel, Rebekah and Elizabeth joined Scott to help and participate in some of the fun activities. The rest of the team attended the weekly coffee shop Bible study at Blend where members from Perth and Glen Ross congregations meet for Coffee & Connect. Maurice led the study from Romans 3 discussing Paul’s writings to the Rome Christians and us today that God’s salvation is for all, not just for the Jews. All had a great morning and were excited about the afternoon to see the kids in HBC.
Day 3 of HBC was yet another good session where we had 7 kids attend to hear about confidence in salvation. The day consisted of
- Jeremy providing an overview of the days study, led some songs, had a play and a short fun activity
- After snacks, Jeremy, Ben and I taught a lesson on salvation using scriptures to explain and a unique demonstration of how Christ washes away sins in your life. We had two jars and red food coloring on a table with one jar filled with water representing You and in jar filled with bleach representing Christ. As we discussed the story, drops of the red food coloring were put into the You jar representing sin. The became cloudy and dark as sin entered. Then the Christ jar filled with bleach was poured into the You jar now all dark and cloudy with sin. Within a few seconds and a slight stir, Christ cleaned up the You jar and returned it to clear. Then we showed after you are baptized and sin reenters your life and you still ha e Christ as your foundation, you can asked for forgiveness, stop doing sin and Christ will clean you. The kids loved the demonstration and really made a point to then that Christ needs to be in You and not somewhere else.
- Making crafts related to the lesson of salvation
- A big human knot to work through a plan to get out of and be saved
Day 3 of HBC was another great one as we have built relationships with Grace, Roberta (aka Bob), Ben and others. Plus we see these three at the Gospel meeting each night, so it’s been fun.
After HBC, we all had a group tea (super is what you eat before you go to bed) at Perth’s oldest ‘chippie’ where they cook the fish and chips when you order. The fish and chips were super fresh and we added a Scotland favorite, fried Mars bar with chocate sauce and ice cream…words cannot describe how good tea was with a unique dessert
We had a slightly lower number for day 3 of the Gospel meeting due to area congregations having their own mid week Bible study. However, we had about 30 in attendance with 3 Scotland congregations represented. Maurice opened up the night, Ben led singing, John Galloway from East Kilbride led prayer and Jeremy brought us a powerful lesson. The lesson was on Confidence of our Salvation and how we need to be confident about it in our daily lives and working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. He challenged us not to fall into legitimate or not legitimate excuses to work out our own salvation and how we need to share with others the inheritance God has given to those saved thru baptism. After worship we enjoyed some fellowship.
The evening ended with devotional at Norrie Miller park by the river Tay. The sun setting behind the city of Perth over the river Tay was beautiful and the pictures below don’t do what we experienced justice. We sang praises to God and I led the devotional from 1 Peter on our Inheritance of Salvation from God. Afterwards I broke out some red, white, blue glow sticks I brought from home to celebrate July 4th! We enjoyed hanging out in the park playing games and continuing to build deeper relationships with our Perth brothers and sisters.
Yet again, we had an awesome day working side-by-side for The Lord, planting and watering the seeds in Perth, enjoying the beautiful city of Perth and deepening our relationships. May God be the Glory!
In Him
Todd and BYG Missionaries