Kyle Rye
New Year’s Resolutions
One of, if not the most popular passage of Scripture begins with the phrase “God so loved the world.” What do we learn about God’s love from John 3:16?
Prince of Peace
One of, if not the most popular passage of Scripture begins with the phrase “God so loved the world.” What do we learn about God’s love from John 3:16?
God So Loved the World
One of, if not the most popular passage of Scripture begins with the phrase “God so loved the world.” What do we learn about God’s love from John 3:16?
Do You Love Me More Than These?
In one of his last interactions with Peter before His ascension, Jesus asked him, “Do you love me more than these?” What are the “these” Jesus is referring to, and do we love Jesus more than “these”?
An Unethical Parable?
One of the most intriguing and confusing parables of Jesus is the Parable of the Shrewd Manager. On the surface, this parable praises a manager for what appears to be unethical business practices, but when you dig deeper, you’ll discover it is a parable with a powerful message about preparedness.
More Than Your Doubts
The most famous doubter of all time is a guy named Thomas. Why did he express doubt in Jesus’ resurrection? More importantly, how did Jesus treat him when he expressed doubt?
Why Does God Allow Evil?
When tragedy strikes as it did at Apalachee High School on September 4, 2024, how do we reconcile the existence of God with the presence of evil?
Is Laziness A Sin?
What is laziness? Is it simply an unwillingness to work or exert energy? Or is it something more? More importantly, is laziness a biblical issue? Let’s look at what Jesus had to say about laziness.
Fixing the Unfixable
In Luke 8:26-39, we read about Jesus’ encounter with a demon-possessed man. The demon-possessed guy was someone that the world would identify as broken. How might we relate to this demon-possessed man, and what’s the lesson we should learn from Jesus’ interaction with him?
At the Foot of the Cross
When you read the account of the crucifixion, you’ll discover that several different groups and/or individuals were present at the foot of the cross. There were the onlookers, the soldiers, the disciples, and even a couple of criminals. If you were there that day, with which group would you have been associated? Read this article to find out.
What If Jesus Wrote a Letter to You?
In Revelation chapters 2 and 3, Jesus authored letters to 7 different churches. Some churches were praised by Jesus. Some churches were criticized by Jesus. These letters reveal that Jesus is intimately aware of and deeply concerned about what is happening among His people. And it begs the question: what would Jesus say if He wrote a letter to you today?
“Behold your mother”
While Jesus hung on the cross, we’re told that his mother, Mary, a few other women, and “the disciple whom he loved” were all standing nearby. Upon seeing them, “he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son!’ Then he said to the disciple, ‘Behold, your mother!’” (John 19:26-27). In this article, we explore why Jesus assigned the care of His mother to one of His disciples and what that teaches us.