Ben McGreevy

Ben McGreevy


The Start of the Continuation of the Movement 

In Acts 1, Jesus challenges His disciples to be a witness for Him. The same challenge is for us today. Am I going to be a part of the Acts story that hears the call of Jesus to be His witness and immediately does it, or am I going to be a person who hears the call but decides my own way is a little bit better?

Alone With God

Isn’t it fascinating that amid chaos, Jesus Himself had to intentionally take time to be alone with His Father? I wonder, where could we personally invest as Christians to follow this example of Jesus in our day-to-day life? 

It’s Time to Celebrate

Celebration is an incredibly significant part of our society. There is something about celebration that we long for! Today, I want to challenge us: what are we doing to celebrate the salvation that we have been given through Jesus? Shouldn’t we be “praising God with a loud voice” constantly, giving Him thanks for all that he’s done for us?


What does it look like to abide in Jesus as one of His disciples? This isn’t an easy idea! Here’s the thing, though: getting out of a place where we are stuck isn’t easy. It takes effort, patience, and, oftentimes, pain. But, the freedom of Jesus is absolutely worth it.
life changing

Life Changing Words

We often use the phrase “life-changing experience” pretty loosely. But there are experiences that change who we are and the course our life is going to take. Jesus should be one of them….

Together in Christ

Today, do you believe that the church is the body of Christ, and what are you doing to make sure that we are better when we are unified together? 

The Temptation Battle

Jesus quoted scripture to help fight off the temptation He was facing. What is going to be your methodology next time you are faced with this temptation? What are you going to tell yourself in order to flee from the desires of this world? 

What Inspires You?

In the early 2000s, Walt Disney Imagineering (the creative geniuses behind the Disney Parks) set out on a mission to build a thrill ride that could rival anything in the world. Instead of simply building an epic roller coaster, they wanted to tell an immersive story that allowed guests to feel like they were legitimately going to face peril in a setting that was not in the United States. They wanted to build a ride that seemed to journey through…

The Faith of the Blind

In Mark 10, we see a passage of scripture that illustrates the beauty of Jesus and the incredible faith of an individual. This story begins in verse 46.“And they came to Jericho. And as [Jesus] was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a great crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the roadside.”We are quickly introduced to an individual whom many of us would avoid: a beggar sitting next to a well-traveled area. Unfortunately, nearly…

God the Creator – Have You Met Him?

Has there ever been a sight so beautiful it just takes your breath away? Perhaps you have gotten the chance to stand at the edge of the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, or overlook the Rocky Mountains, and those stunning sights have caused you to find yourself speechless; you have been unable to put the beauty you see into words. In those moments, it is almost impossible to avoid breaking out in songs of praise to our God. He has created…

Worshiping with Joy

What brings you joy? For some, it may be time on a vacation. Others might say that the start of college football season (WHOOP WHOOP), certain family or friends, a drive through the country in a particular car, time at a spa, music, or movies are what bring you joy. As you think about things that bring you joy, is worship something that is included on your list? Many of the other things that bring us joy evoke an emotional…

A Summer of Falling in Love

When the words “SCHOOL IS OUT” ring across the United States, kids everywhere begin cheering for joy. There is something about summer when you are in school that feels different. The total freedom to do whatever you want. Thankfully at the Buford church of Christ, many of our kids want to be an active part of the church! Due to this, we fill our BYG summer with opportunities to study, fellowship, serve, and grow! Our Summer theme this year was…
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