Buford is actively seeking to identify and hire our next Children & Young Families Minister. We request the participation of every member at Buford in this process via your daily prayers. If you know of someone who would bless the work here in this particular Ministry role, we ask you to make a referral. If you have any referrals to share or have any questions about this position or process, please see Todd Newman or Stan Quinn or email them at
The Buford church of Christ has been in existence since 1974 and is in Buford, GA, approximately 35 miles Northeast of Atlanta along I-85. Our congregation is home to around 500 members, at least 100 of whom are children between birth and 6th grade. The Buford congregation is overseen by 9 shepherds and served by 32 deacons. We currently employ a Pulpit Minister, Youth Minister, Outreach Minister, and 3 office personnel.
Additionally, we host a homeschool community on Mondays and a preschool (which is directed by members of our congregation) on Tuesdays through Fridays. These programs provide us with an opportunity to connect and build relationships with dozens of young families from our community on a recurring basis who are not yet members of the congregation.
The Children’s & Young Families Minister partners with the elders and ministerial staff to work with and minister to children from birth to 6th grade and their families. This minister’s primary focus will be to encourage, equip, and mature the individuals, families, and marriages of those in this group to be grounded in the Bible and live a Bible-based lifestyle.
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