Buford is a congregation involved in the work of the Lord and serving in the church together. There are many events you can get involved in. See the details of each event or visit Ministry pages.
The church calendar is maintained by the office. To schedule an event, members should submit a Facility/Event Scheduling Request.
November 2024
Sunday Bible Classes (9am)
ABOUT THIS EVENT It is important that we all continue to study God’s Word and Bible classes help facilitate our continued growth. Classes have been designed to aid in your study. Visit our education page on the website for details. EVENT DETAILS Visit our Watch Live page for an online adult class (also in-person in the auditorium). We have classes in-person for all ages. Current Education Information Sheet
Sunday AM Worship (10am)
ABOUT THIS EVENT Sunday Worship at 10am. EVENT DETAILS Visit our Watch Live page if you are not attending in person at the building.
Sunday PM Gatherings (6pm)
ABOUT THIS EVENT Our Sunday evening gatherings in 2024 will include unique opportunities to worship, study, and grow. Each month we will focus on a theme. Join us at 6pm! EVENT DETAILS Visit our Watch Live page if you are not attending in person at the building.
Inglesia de Cristo Sunday PM Worship (6pm)
ABOUT THIS EVENT Inglesia de Cristo Sunday Worship at 6 pm. This is a Spanish-speaking service that meets in Annex 2 Auditorium
Men’s Monday Breakfast
ABOUT THIS EVENT The men of the congregation get together for breakfast and a time of fellowship bi-monthly (2nd & 4th Mondays of the month). Bring your sons, grandsons, and friends! EVENT DETAILS 7:30am at IHOP in Buford. Bring money for your breakfast. Questions: Larry Klinect
Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Class
ABOUT THIS EVENT Ladies Tuesday Morning Bible class brings our ladies together to study the Bible together and enjoy fellowship. EVENT DETAILS Discussion led by Melanie Blake
Wednesday Bible Study
ABOUT THIS EVENT Bible classes for all ages. Visit the Education Ministry page for options. EVENT DETAILS Bible Class Details
Men’s Band of Brothers Thursday Study
ABOUT THIS EVENT Men of the congregation are invited to this Bible Study that takes place monthly on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays. Various men teach the lessons. Current Study is from the book, “PLAIN BIBLE TALK” by Ken Butterworth. EVENT DETAILS See the Men’s Ministry page for class study.
Classical Conversations Homeschool Group
A private home school group meets at our building on Mondays. Classical Conversations. Q: Deanna Libengood
Susana Homes Fundraiser
About this Event Sunday, 10/27, there will be a fundraiser for Right Steps, Inc./Susana Homes in Nigeria. Coffee and donuts will be available in the Fellowship Hall after AM Worship. All are welcome to meet Dr. Chi Ekwenye Hendricks and donate to the work at Right Steps, inc. and Susana Homes. Right Steps’ major outreach initiative is the spiritual outreach through the planting of local churches, including the Church of Christ at Susana Homes. The Church of Christ at…
ABOUT THIS EVENT GIFTS (Girls In Fellowship and Team Studies) is for girls 6th-12th Grade. They get together once a month for Bible study. The study is based on a book and the girls pair up to teach/lead discussion for the lessons. We will be continuing our study of “Thought Garden – Teen Edition” by Laura Jenkins. The Teen Edition of Thought Garden is a Christ-centered mindfulness resource created to help identify troubling emotions and plant God’s truth in their…
Global Missions: Stacy Ferguson of Pacific Islands Bible College
ABOUT THIS EVENT We support Pacific islands Bible College. Stacy Ferguson will be presenting an update on the work there. EVENT DETAILS Everyone is invited remain in the Auditorium for a presentation following PM Worship.
Ladies Day
ABOUT THIS EVENT November 2, 2024. SATURDAY Topic: Servant Hearts: Embracing the Call to Serve Speaker: Katie May Details 8:30 am-2:00 pm Breakfast and lunch are provided.
BLT Bible Bowl
ABOUT THIS EVENT Bible Bowl meets once a month. This year’s study is the book of Genesis. Questions:Kyle Rye or Darcy Huber EVENT DETAILS Genesis review Meet in Annex 2 Auditorium. 4:30 – 5:20 pm or 5:45 pm.
about this event BK520 is a “Pew Packers-like” program that will promote the memorization of Bible verses and facts through song and repetition. At the conclusion of the nine-month program, engaged participants will have memorized a total of 32 Biblical concepts. Details about this Event BK520 will meet at 5:20pm in the Auditorium. Parents, please walk your child to the front, middle of the Auditorium. Parents are expected to stay to either participate or at least be there for reinforcement.…
BYG Devotional
ABOUT THIS EVENT BYG Devotionals (7th-12th) are monthly hosted by a family. EVENT DETAILS Plan to stay after Sunday PM Worship for dinner, fellowship, and devotional. See the bulletin for details.
BYG Fall Retreat
ABOUT THIS EVENT BYG gathers for the weekend for the Fall Retreat. EVENT DETAILS Sign up in Church Center. $45 + 2 travel meals Bring Camp bedding, clothes, and toiletries. We will depart on the 8th at 5 PM.
Go&Do Special Event: Winter Clothes Drive
ABOUT THIS EVENT A annual effort to collect winter weather clothes to be distributed to those in our community at local schools who are in need. EVENT DETAILS New winter coats will be accepted all year of all sizes. Specific clothing items will be listed in October. Questions or to get involved: Jessica Allen
Young Families “Friendsgiving Dinner”
ABOUT THIS EVENT Come and enjoy a “Friendsgiving Dinner” with the Buford Young Families. Young Families are those families with children up to 6th Grade. Join us for a time of fellowship. EVENT DETAILS Provided: Meats and drinks Bring: Sides and Desserts Questions: Michael Jenkins, michaeljenkins@bufordcoc.com
BLT Songs of Praise (Girls)
ABOUT THIS EVENT BLT girls come together to learn and grow in leading songs of praise. event details Meet in Annex 2 #215 (small auditorium). Questions: Connie Burnette or Tamera Holzer
BLT Junior Leaders
ABOUT THIS EVENT Youth K-2nd Grade will have a monthly Sunday workshop session. They meet after Sunday Morning Worship in B#402/403. During many workshops, they will have service opportunities and fellowships with other groups. Special areas of focus: learning the books of the Bible, reading Scripture, leading singing, and serving others. Coordinator: Chase and Caitlin Burnette EVENT DETAILS Parents, please walk your children to B#402/403. Bring your child’s own lunch. We will begin our session after we eat our lunch…
BLT Art Says It
ABOUT THIS EVENT Art Says It is a L2L event where you can use your artistic talent through painting, drawing/sketching, posters and photography to portray the L2L Theme for the year. “Meant for Good .” Genesis 50:20 Questions:Connie Quinn EVENT DETAILS 11:30 – 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall Participants need to bring their own lunch.
Song Practice
Event Come learn new songs, practice old ones, and bring a joyful noise to the Lord! Sunday, 11/17 @ 5pm in the Main Auditorium. Q: Wayne Reaves or Kent Berman
BLT Song Leading (Guys)
ABOUT THIS EVENT BLT guys come together to learn and practice song leading. event details Meet in the Main Upper Room. Questions: Chase Burnette
ABOUT THIS EVENT Join us for Monday Night Out. 6-8 pm MNO is a night of food, fellowship, and devotion to God in some form (study of His word, service in His Kingdom, edifying of one another). EVENT DETAILS See the bulletin and BYG Social Media for details. Questions: Ben McGreevy
about this event BK520 is a “Pew Packers-like” program that will promote the memorization of Bible verses and facts through song and repetition. At the conclusion of the nine-month program, engaged participants will have memorized a total of 32 Biblical concepts. Details about this Event BK520 will meet at 5:20pm in the Auditorium. Parents, please walk your child to the front, middle of the Auditorium. Parents are expected to stay to either participate or at least be there for reinforcement.…
Go&Do Special Event: Project J.O.Y. (Gwinnett)
ABOUT THIS EVENT A annual effort to provide a Thanksgiving Meal for those in our community who are less fortunate and food-insecure. EVENT DETAILS Details TBA Questions or to get involved: Wendy & Hannah Miller