Buford Leadership Training Events
ABOUT THIS EVENT GIFTS (Girls In Fellowship and Team Studies) is for girls 6th-12th Grade. They get together once a month for Bible study. The study is based on a book and the girls pair up to teach/lead discussion for the lessons. We will be continuing our study of “Thought Garden – Teen Edition” by Laura Jenkins. The Teen Edition of Thought Garden is a Christ-centered mindfulness resource created to help identify troubling emotions and plant God’s truth in their…
BLT Art Says It
ABOUT THIS EVENT Art Says It is a L2L event where you can use your artistic talent through painting, drawing/sketching, posters and photography to portray the L2L Theme for the year. “Meant for Good” Genesis 50:20 Questions: Connie Quinn EVENT DETAILS 11:30 am-1:00 pm Fellowship Hall. Bring your own lunch.
BLT Junior Leaders
ABOUT THIS EVENT Youth K-2nd Grade will have a monthly Sunday workshop session. They meet after Sunday Morning Worship in B#402/403. During many workshops, they will have service opportunities and fellowships with other groups. Special areas of focus: learning the books of the Bible, reading Scripture, leading singing, and serving others. Coordinator: Chase and Caitlin Burnette EVENT DETAILS Parents, please walk your children to B#402/403. Bring your child’s own lunch. We will begin our session after we eat our lunch…
ABOUT THIS EVENT GIFTS (Girls In Fellowship and Team Studies) is for girls 6th-12th Grade. They get together once a month for Bible study. The study is based on a book and the girls pair up to teach/lead discussion for the lessons. We will be continuing our study of “Thought Garden – Teen Edition” by Laura Jenkins. The Teen Edition of Thought Garden is a Christ-centered mindfulness resource created to help identify troubling emotions and plant God’s truth in their…
BLT Song Leading (Guys)
ABOUT THIS EVENT BLT guys come together to learn and practice song leading. event details Meet in the Main Upper Room. Questions: Chase Burnette
BLT Songs of Praise (Girls)
ABOUT THIS EVENT BLT girls come together to learn and grow in leading songs of praise. event details Meet in Annex 2 #215 (small auditorium). Questions: Connie Burnette or Tamera Holzer
BLT Bible Bowl
ABOUT THIS EVENT Bible Bowl meets once a month. This year’s study is the book of Genesis. Questions:Kyle Rye or Darcy Huber EVENT DETAILS Genesis review Meet in the conference room, A1 #105. 4:30 – 5:20 pm or 5:45 pm.
BLT Songs of Praise (Girls)
ABOUT THIS EVENT BLT girls come together to learn and grow in leading songs of praise. event details The girls will be leading songs in the Ladies’ Class on Wednesday nights. Questions: Connie Burnette or Tamera Holzer
ABOUT THIS EVENT GIFTS (Girls In Fellowship and Team Studies) is for girls 6th-12th Grade. They get together once a month for Bible study. The study is based on a book and the girls pair up to teach/lead discussion for the lessons. We will be continuing our study of “Thought Garden – Teen Edition” by Laura Jenkins. The Teen Edition of Thought Garden is a Christ-centered mindfulness resource created to help identify troubling emotions and plant God’s truth in their…
BLT Songs of Praise (Girls)
ABOUT THIS EVENT BLT girls come together to learn and grow in leading songs of praise. event details The girls will be leading songs in the Ladies’ Class on Wednesday nights. Questions: Connie Burnette or Tamera Holzer
BLT L2L Convention @ ATL
ABOUT THIS EVENT L2L Convention in Atlanta EVENT DETAILS April 18-20 Meant for Good – A study through Genesis Marriott Marquis in Atlanta