As Christians, we do our best to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. After God raised Him from the dead, Jesus told His disciples that they should spread the good news of salvation throughout the world. In addition, Jesus told His followers to teach everyone how to become disciples and how to live as children of God. Our goal through our Bible classes is to:
- Equip, enable, and empower each student to be a strong spiritual servant of God via a Christ-like life with the Bible as the only foundation.
- To understand God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
- Know how God relates to creation, faith, the Gospel, the Church, His revealed plan for salvation, church worship/organization, living a Christian life, and love
- Know the who, where, when, why, and how for the key subjects of God’s Word that will help each of us grow closer to God in our everyday lives.
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Volunteer to Teach/Assist – Teacher Information
We encourage you to engage in a Bible class as a student to grow deeper in God’s Word spiritually.
Buford Kids Bible Classes SUNDAY CLASSES Teachers introduce students to a new Bible story for the week in Sunday morning Bible classes. Student workbooks will investigate the “who, what, when, and where” of an event in Biblical history, like “David defeats Goliath” or “Jesus Feeds The Multitude.” Older students will read the story from the Bible themselves, whereas the teacher may simply tell the story to the youngest children. WEDNESDAY CLASSES Teachers will review and further illustrate the Bible story…
Buford YOUTH GROUP bible classes SUNDAY BIBLE CLASSES Rooted is a six-year Sunday morning Bible class curriculum designed to provide students in the BYG with a comprehensive foundation of faith. The aim of this program is to plant our students in God’s word, cultivate spiritual growth, and give them the confidence to stand firm in their faith post-high school. We want to help our students dig deeper so that they can reach higher. WEDNESDAY BIBLE CLASS DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR On…
ADULT – SOUL FOOD THE PURPOSE Soul Food is a three-year adult Bible class ministry for Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. God’s Word is powerful enough to make us complete and equipped for every good work. Soul Food is intentionally designed to feed our souls with the Word of God. Dedicating ourselves to the milk, manna, meat, and morsels of Scripture will produce generations of faithful men and women of God who practice their faith in everyday life. PROVISIONS If…