Our Women’s Ministry is a vital part of our congregation. They focus on growing in the knowledge of the Lord, supporting one another and serving others. We hope you will look for ways to get involved in our Women’s Ministry. Women’s only Bible classes are offered. Tuesday mornings they study and fellowship. Also, on Wednesday night during regular Bible classes Fall-Spring there are classes offered. The Wednesday classes break for the summer and attends our Adult Summer Series. The women plan a special time of Spiritual focus during their Fall Ladies Day at Buford and Spring Ladies Retreat in North Georgia. Our women continue to support the congregational needs as teachers, nursery staff, hosting showers, visiting, meeting the needs of our members and more.

- March 1, 2025 – A baby shower honoring Meghan Bonadies will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 123 West Main St., Buford, GA 30518. Brunch will be served. Please RSVP to 678-485-5017 by 2/14. Matt and Meghan are registered at Amazon or gift cards to Target.
Shower INFORMATION AND Coordinators
Be a shower Hostess:
As a hostess, you contribute monetarily to the hostess’ gift ($20.00) and we split the cost of the food and flowers. This usually is no more than $15 per hostess. We arrive at the building an hour before the shower to get everything set up and decorated. When looking for ladies to host, an announcement will be placed on the Ladies of Buford church of Christ Facebook page and it is also placed in the bulletin.
Wedding Showers:
This is a great opportunity to support our young couples as they are starting a new chapter in their lives. To be a hostess, contact Kim Sitton and Holly Reese
Baby Showers:
Shower our growing families with blessings as they prepare for the arrival of their child. To be a hostess, contact Deanna Libengood

TUESDAY MORNING LADIES CLASS – Women of all ages come together for Bible study and fellowship. The class examines the scriptures each class and then makes application to our lives as Christian women serving God. We are a group of varying ages who love to study God’s word!
- Teacher – Melanie Blake (Summer session is taught by various ladies from the congregation)
- Location – Fellowship Hall
- Live-streamed – click here (Summer session is not Live-streamed)
- Time – 10:00am
- Current Session – (starting 6/11) SIDE BY SIDE Book by Brenda Poarch. This session will end on 8/27. The next session will begin on 9/17 with a study of the book of Proverbs.
For further questions, email coordinator Melanie Blake at tuesdayladiesclass@bufordcoc.com.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT WOMEN’S BIBLE CLASSES are a part of our adult curriculum. Women come together to be encouraged, share prayer requests and study together. Join us for that perfect mid-week pick me up!
WOMEN’S APPLIED STUDIES – The objectives of this women’s pathway is to provide lessons with discussion sessions, practical application of textual based subjects, tools and take home materials, and personal experience added to in-depth studies. Each quarter two Buford women co-teach the class. Classes focus on: Strengthening Studies; Personal Spiritual Growth; Marriage (A Wife’s Role); Biblical Parenting
WOMEN OF FAITH STUDIES – The objectives of this women’s pathway is to develop a stronger abiding faith, with different Buford women teaching each week, and a book study based on truths from the Bible.
- Time – 7pm weekly
- Class options are listed in our “SOUL FOOD” Adult Bible Class Handout – View the EDU flyer for details
Summer Quarter: please attend the Adult Wednesday Summer Series in the Auditorium
