

“…you will be My witnesses in JERUSALEM, and in all JUDEA and SAMARIA, and to THE ENDS OF THE EARTH.”    Acts 1:8



LOCAL MISSIONS Jesus told His disciples the Gospel would be spread first in Jerusalem (Luke 24:47). Just as He said, on Pentecost in Acts 2, about 3,000 souls put on Christ in baptism and were added to the Church. We find the initial focus of outreach among the apostles to be…LOCAL.


NATIONAL MISSIONS After the Gospel was received locally in Jerusalem, it spread throughout the entire region of Judea as recorded in the book of Acts. The death of Stephen launched widespread persecution that scattered the Church and the gospel into Judea (Acts 8:1). We find that after the Gospel was received locally in Jerusalem, it was taken…NATIONAL. ADEL CHURCH OF CHRIST APOLOGETICS PRESS BROADCASTING CHESTNUT DRIVE CHURCH OF CHRIST GOLD CITY CHURCH OF CHRIST  EATONTON CHURCH OF CHRIST RABUN COUNTY…


GLOBAL MISSIONS The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not just a local, national, and cross-cultural message. Paul and his companions took the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth (Colossians 1:23). In order to follow the model of the first century Church, our outreach must become…GLOBAL. AGAPE ASIA ISRAEL NICARAGUA NIGERIA – Christian Schools NIGERIA – Susana Homes PACIFIC ISLANDS PANAMA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH ASIA SEARCY, AR DEACON JAMES HOWARD, Global Missionsjameshoward@bufordcoc.com