Raji Stephan was born and raised in Jerusalem. He has a B.A. in Accounting from Arab University and a Diploma in Bible from Middle East Bible Training College. In 1970, a new missionary came to work in Jerusalem and Raji was his interpreter from English to Arabic. He then began to preach in Arabic in Bethlehem and surrounding areas. In 1989, the other missionary returned to the U.S. and Raji continued the work. His wife Josephine supports him in this effort. His daughter and her family live in Jordan. His focus is in West Bank and Jerusalem. About 99% of the population are Muslims who do not believe Christ is the Son of God. He conducts 5 home Bible studies each week and an outdoor Bible study in Nablus bi-weekly. People in these studies are seeking to know the truth, what the Bible teaches and what is true religion. They compare what they learned in their homes and what is taught according to the Bible. Bible correspondence courses are also made available.
  • Raji Stephan, Evangelist
  • Jerusalem Church of Christ
  • P.O. Box 19529; 91194 Jerusalem, Israel