Owned By God
God Owns Your Soul
Sermon Handout
God Owns Your Blessings
Sermon Handout
God Owns Your Body
Sermon Handout
God Owns Creation
Sermon Handout
God Owns the Family
Sermon Handout
God Owns Marriage
Sermon Handout
God Owns Your Words
Sermon Handout
God Owns Time
Sermon Handout
The Steward Mentality
Consider for a moment what you own…I mean what you really own. Do you own your house or does the financial company who holds the mortgage own it? Do you really own your property if it can be seized by eminent domain? What if I told you that you really don’t own anything? What if I told you that you are really just a steward of the things that are owned by God? Let’s explore what it means to…