'Congregation' Tagged Posts
Dreaming With Jesus
I am a little bit of a dreamer. I dream big for my personal life, but when it comes to the Lord’s church, for some reason, I dream small. Let’s think about how we can dream about what Jesus can do through us for His church.
What If Jesus Wrote a Letter to You?
In Revelation chapters 2 and 3, Jesus authored letters to 7 different churches. Some churches were praised by Jesus. Some churches were criticized by Jesus. These letters reveal that Jesus is intimately aware of and deeply concerned about what is happening among His people. And it begs the question: what would Jesus say if He wrote a letter to you today?
Zebras, Fish, Ticks, & Dogs
Here is just a small sampling of the more than fifty “one another” statements which the Spirit addresses to the church in the New Testament: “love one another”, “welcome one another”, “pray for one another”, “bear one another’s burdens”, “forgiving one another”, “be kind to one another”, “bearing with one another”, “submitting to one another”, and “encourage one another”. On the backs of many checks, one might find a message stating that this check should not be cashed unless one…
The congregations associated with the Church of Christ have always identified themselves as non-denominational. For centuries this was a peculiar identification, but in recent years it has become very popular for congregations to claim that they are non-denominational, especially among the community church movement. According to a June 12, 2015 Christianity Today article, “over the last four decades, there has been more than a 400 percent growth in Protestants[1] who identify as non-denominational.”[2] With the growing popularity of non-denominational congregations it is important for…