'devotion' Tagged Posts

'devotion' Tagged Posts


More Than Your Doubts

The most famous doubter of all time is a guy named Thomas. Why did he express doubt in Jesus’ resurrection? More importantly, how did Jesus treat him when he expressed doubt?

Dinner Time Christianity

“Do you have a dinner-time Christianity?”  It might come as a surprise, but dinner time is not always a joyful experience at my house.  As some of you know, I have three children, and, in response to the food that is on their plates, I have witnessed a potpourri of negative reactions: whining, complaining, crying, weeping, yelling, and the ever-popular “whole body going limp and collapsing to the floor.”  While there are a multitude of voiced complaints, a majority basically…


For the past few weeks we have been exploring the details outlined in Acts 2:42-47. In this brief passage, we are given a glimpse into the life of the first century church, and in particular what “they devoted themselves to.” According to Acts 2:42, the first century church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayers.” We have already explored their devotion to God’s Word (i.e. “the apostles teaching”), fellowship, and…