'Elijah' Tagged Posts

'Elijah' Tagged Posts

Remind Me Oh Lord of the Price that was Paid

They bound His hands, and they took Him captive. They beat Him, and they spat on Him. They slapped Him, and they plucked the hairs of His beard from His face. They put a crown of thorns on His head, and they whipped Him. They put a robe on His back and yelled, “Hail the King of the Jews.” They nailed Him to the cross, and they killed the Son of God. You know, a lot of times it’s easy for us to read Scripture and say to ourselves, “How could they do such a thing?” “How could they be so blind?” “Why did they not stop…


Last week, we began a 3-part study on how to handle fear. We took a look at the “Frozen by Fear” approach and saw that it is an unwise and unbiblical way to deal with our fears. We simply can’t “do nothing” in most scary situations and still be pleasing to God. So let’s examine another possibility this week: APPROACH #2: THE “MISPLACED FEAR” APPROACH What does this particular approach to fear look like? Imagine this scenario: Something happens in…