'encouragement' Tagged Posts
William Arthur Ward once wrote, “Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.” I believe that sentiment embodies the example of a man named Joseph who was integral to the growth of the church during its infancy. In Acts 4:36 we are introduced to Joseph. We tend not to remember him for his surname but for…
Throughout the New Testament, the phrase “one another” appears over ninety times and is associated with over thirty-five different verbs, which identify activities in which Christians are to be engaged as part of the body of believers. Implicit in these “one another” passages is the expectation of community. Over the past few weeks we have been investigating some of these “one another” instructions in an effort to identify our responsibilities to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. As…
How Are You Tracking?
I began 2018 by purchasing a new fitness tracker. I now wear it on my wrist, everywhere I go. Fun fact: I have the wrist of a 12-year old girl. This amazing device keeps up with my heart rate, calories, and steps; it monitors my sleep patterns, tells me the weather, and it keeps up with how many questions my kids ask me while we’re in the minivan. Ok, that last one isn’t true, but it would be cool if…