'good and evil' Tagged Posts

'good and evil' Tagged Posts


Wise and Innocent

Romans 16:19b (ESV) – “…I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.” Special agent Evans watches approvingly as a man with a scowl is handcuffed and placed in the back of the unmarked car.  A rookie police officer who is also at the scene approaches Agent Evans in amazement.  “I can’t believe he was using counterfeit money this whole time,” the rookie cop begins.  “I mean – how do you…
missing the mark


At the 2004 Olympics in Athens, the United States’ best marksman was a man named Matthew Emmons. He won a gold medal in the men’s 50 meter rifle prone position competition, and was on the precipice of winning another gold medal in the men’s 50 meter rifle three position competition. With one shot remaining, he was in the lead and only needed to hit the target in order to secure another victory. Normally, the shot he made would have received…