'Jesus' Tagged Posts

'Jesus' Tagged Posts

New Year’s Resolutions

One of, if not the most popular passage of Scripture begins with the phrase “God so loved the world.” What do we learn about God’s love from John 3:16?

Prince of Peace

One of, if not the most popular passage of Scripture begins with the phrase “God so loved the world.” What do we learn about God’s love from John 3:16?

Dreaming With Jesus

I am a little bit of a dreamer. I dream big for my personal life, but when it comes to the Lord’s church, for some reason, I dream small. Let’s think about how we can dream about what Jesus can do through us for His church.

God So Loved the World

One of, if not the most popular passage of Scripture begins with the phrase “God so loved the world.” What do we learn about God’s love from John 3:16?

Do You Love Me More Than These?

In one of his last interactions with Peter before His ascension, Jesus asked him, “Do you love me more than these?” What are the “these” Jesus is referring to, and do we love Jesus more than “these”?

Thinking About Others

Do you enjoy talking about things you are interested in? As much as we like to talk about the things we are passionate about, does that reflect how we are called by Jesus to be?
Parable of the Shrewd Manager

An Unethical Parable?

One of the most intriguing and confusing parables of Jesus is the Parable of the Shrewd Manager. On the surface, this parable praises a manager for what appears to be unethical business practices, but when you dig deeper, you’ll discover it is a parable with a powerful message about preparedness.

You Only Live Forever

YOLO, right? How about YOLF (you only live forever)? The believer in Jesus should never feel like life ends! How will we, as Christians, allow the joy of Christ to fill us to a point where we process life with the YOLF mindset? Check it out!

More Than Your Doubts

The most famous doubter of all time is a guy named Thomas. Why did he express doubt in Jesus’ resurrection? More importantly, how did Jesus treat him when he expressed doubt?

The Start of the Continuation of the Movement 

In Acts 1, Jesus challenges His disciples to be a witness for Him. The same challenge is for us today. Am I going to be a part of the Acts story that hears the call of Jesus to be His witness and immediately does it, or am I going to be a person who hears the call but decides my own way is a little bit better?

Why Does God Allow Evil?

When tragedy strikes as it did at Apalachee High School on September 4, 2024, how do we reconcile the existence of God with the presence of evil?

Is Laziness A Sin?

What is laziness? Is it simply an unwillingness to work or exert energy? Or is it something more? More importantly, is laziness a biblical issue? Let’s look at what Jesus had to say about laziness.