'mentor' Tagged Posts

'mentor' Tagged Posts


Timothy was unique as a minister because of his age, frequent illnesses, and what appears to be a timid spirit. Such obstacles could hinder many individuals from becoming successful ministers, but Timothy had a secret weapon named Paul. Paul referred to Timothy as his “beloved and faithful child in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 4:17; cf. 1 Timothy 1:2, 18; 2 Timothy 1:2), and as a ”fellow worker” (Romans 16:21; cf. 1 Thessalonians 3:2). Timothy became one of Paul’s most reliable…


Research has revealed that one of the most critical elements to preventing new converts from leaving the church is relationships. According to one study, “Each new person should be able to identify at least seven friends in the church within the first six months.”1 In other words, developing faith-based friendships is critical to faith development. Maybe that is why relationships played such a vital part in Paul’s ministry. Paul was a man who thrived on relationships. Rarely do you find…