'relationships' Tagged Posts

'relationships' Tagged Posts


Zebras, Fish, Ticks, & Dogs

Here is just a small sampling of the more than fifty “one another” statements which the Spirit addresses to the church in the New Testament: “love one another”, “welcome one another”, “pray for one another”, “bear one another’s burdens”, “forgiving one another”, “be kind to one another”, “bearing with one another”, “submitting to one another”, and “encourage one another”. On the backs of many checks, one might find a message stating that this check should not be cashed unless one…


The term negligent refers to behavior that is “marked by or given to neglect especially habitually or culpably.”[1] In other words, you are considered negligent when your conduct and/or attitude is careless, lazy, or inattentive, and, as a result, threatens the well-being of others. Legally speaking, negligence is the basis for many personal injury lawsuits and can be defined as “the failure to exercise a certain degree of care in order to minimize the risk of injury to another person.”[2] Therefore, one would be…

LOOPHOLE HUNTERS – Episode Two: Relationships (Part One)

In this series, we are taking a look at some of the ways in which we, as Christians, hunt for loopholes in God’s Word. “Loophole Hunting” is when we take a clearly communicated command from God – one that was intended to be taken into the depths of our hearts and to change our lives – and we find a “technicality.” This technicality, in our minds, gives us permission to either lessen the impact of the command or, in some…