'The Word' Tagged Posts

'The Word' Tagged Posts


Be Prepared

This Summer the BYG is engaged in a series in which we’re studying the King of Kings entitled, “Lion of Judah.” In this series we’re studying major moments in the life of Christ somewhat through the lens of certain lines or moments from the classic movie Lion King. So far, we’ve learned about how Christ broke through the “circle of life” by being able to offer a new life through His death, we’ve also been able to learn from His…


Churches can easily become consumed with numbers. We track the number of people who attend our weekly services. We track the amount of money placed in the collection plate. We track the number of individuals who are converted as a result of our evangelistic efforts. Numbers matter to us because they provide a simple way to measure growth. But are numbers the best way to measure growth? Based on the numbers the first century church were experts in church growth.…