"Greater Than" Tagged Sermons

"Greater Than" Tagged Sermons

Greater Than Death

The Greek term from which we get the word “gospel” means “good news.” What constitutes the “good news”? Paul indicated that the “gospel” he preached consisted of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, but he seemed to give greater importance to the resurrection by spending more time talking about it (1 Corinthians 15:1-8; Acts 13:32-33). Why? Because the resurrection is the primary source of good news since the good news is that Jesus is alive! Sermon Handout 1 CORINTHIANS…

Greater Than Me

Jesus made it very clear that in order for someone to be his disciple he or she must be willing to “deny himself [or herself]” (Matthew 16:24). Why? Because if God is the Greater Than then I must be willing to confess that I am not. This might be the most difficult greater than status of God for us to accept because it requires us to acknowledge that the world does not revolve around us. And this might also be…

Greater Than My Future

According to Isaiah 46:9-10, God is the only One who is able to “[declare] the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done.” Thus, God is the only One who is greater than the future, and how we approach the future demonstrates whether or not we believe this. If you believe that God is greater than the future then you have the mentality of a “so what-er,” but if you believe that God is not greater…

Greater Than My Past

The past can be filled with great memories, but the past can also be filled with burdensome baggage. As one preacher said, “Few types of bondage are greater than the prison of the past.” We may be bound by a wound that was inflicted on us by another person that we cannot forgive, or we may be bound by a wound that we inflicted on someone else and cannot forget. Either way, “the past has the capacity to incarcerate the…