'Loophole Hunters' Tagged Posts
LOOPHOLE HUNTERS – Episode Two: Relationships (Part One)
In this series, we are taking a look at some of the ways in which we, as Christians, hunt for loopholes in God’s Word. “Loophole Hunting” is when we take a clearly communicated command from God – one that was intended to be taken into the depths of our hearts and to change our lives – and we find a “technicality.” This technicality, in our minds, gives us permission to either lessen the impact of the command or, in some…
LOOPHOLE HUNTERS – An Introduction
The show “House Hunters,” which premiered on HGTV in 1999, has produced over 1,700 episodes and spawned over a dozen “spinoff” shows in its 18-year run. Some of these recent spinoff shows include “House Hunters: RV Edition,” “Houseboat Hunters,” “Island Hunters,” and even “Tiny House Hunters.” Question: Does this mean that normal-sized people are looking for tiny houses, or are tiny people looking for normal-sized houses? Oh, who am I kidding; I would probably watch it either way. According to a recent statistic,…
Last week, we came face-to-face with the unfortunate truth that we, as God’s people, are often guilty of reducing His Word into mere “external observances.” We were forced to admit that we are often best known for turning the Bible into some kind of “checklist,” denying its real power (2 Tim. 3:5). We have an undeniably long history of taking God’s teachings, robbing them of their rich depth, and limiting their potential to change our lives from the inside out.…