'summer' Tagged Posts
A Summer of Falling in Love
When the words “SCHOOL IS OUT” ring across the United States, kids everywhere begin cheering for joy. There is something about summer when you are in school that feels different. The total freedom to do whatever you want. Thankfully at the Buford church of Christ, many of our kids want to be an active part of the church! Due to this, we fill our BYG summer with opportunities to study, fellowship, serve, and grow! Our Summer theme this year was…
Almost all of our teens have gone back to school at this point, and I think it would be safe to say that most of them are not especially happy about it. After all, why would anyone WANT to go back to early mornings, late night homework sessions, increased temptation, and a never-ending list of demands that is constantly placed on you by coaches, band directors, teachers, parents, and seemingly everyone else in the WORLD?? In the pages of Scripture,…