'doubt' Tagged Posts
More Than Your Doubts
The most famous doubter of all time is a guy named Thomas. Why did he express doubt in Jesus’ resurrection? More importantly, how did Jesus treat him when he expressed doubt?
Facing doubt is not a sin in and of itself. As long as you resolve the doubt, you have not sinned; however, if you give in to the doubt then you have sinned. So, whether or not doubt leads to sin has everything to do with how you handle it. This begs the question: how do you handle doubt in such a way so that you overcome it? To answer this question I encourage you to read about Jesus’ interaction…
At times, faith is difficult because it requires the unseen to be greater than the seen, and since faith can be difficult, the opportunity for doubt arises. This begs the question: is it a sin to doubt? In an effort to answer this question, let us explore what the Bible has to say about doubt, and we begin by acknowledging that the presence of doubt is not uncommon during the faith development process. Since faith must be tested (James 1:2-4;…
The Bible defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). In other words, faith is deciding that what is unseen is greater than what is seen, but subscribing to such a mentality is easier said than done. More often than not, we sympathize with the father in Mark 9:17-24 who asked if Jesus could heal his demon possessed son. Jesus answered, “All things are possible for one who believes,” to which…