'Gideon' Tagged Posts
What Does God See When He Looks At Me?
The Bible repeatedly refers to God as an all-seeing entity (Job 28:24; Proverbs 15:3; Hebrews 4:13). His ability to see all led Hagar to dub Him El-Roi In Genesis 16:13, which means “the-God-Who-Sees.” Since He is “the-God-who-sees,” what does He see when He looks at me? Many answers could be given to this question. One might say, “God sees our sin.” Another might say, “God sees our faith.” Still, others could say, “God sees our needs,” while others contend that “God sees…
What are you afraid of? What is something that gives you chills or makes you feel uncomfortable when you see it, feel it, or even just think about it? When it comes to the population of America, there are a few fear or phobias that affect the majority of people. See if you fall into any of these categories: Arachnophobia – fear of spiders. Affects as many as 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men. Ophidiophobia – fear…
Month Of Prayer
Have you ever struggled with knowing what to pray? Have you ever felt as though your prayer life is not as deep or diverse as you think it should be? Do you simply want to improve your prayer life? Then consider participating in a Month of Prayer. The Buford Church of Christ has put together a prayer initiative to assist people in growing their prayer life. We call it the “Month of Prayer,” and our congregation will be conducting it…