'God’s People' Tagged Posts
Have you been Chosen?
Being chosen is a big deal. Think about when you were a kid, and teams were being picked at recess for a game. The one thing you did not want to be was the last one chosen because that meant nobody wanted you on his or her team. Think about when you got engaged. Whether you were the one proposing or the one being proposed to, the moment was special because someone chose you to be their spouse. Think about…
LOOPHOLE HUNTERS – An Introduction
The show “House Hunters,” which premiered on HGTV in 1999, has produced over 1,700 episodes and spawned over a dozen “spinoff” shows in its 18-year run. Some of these recent spinoff shows include “House Hunters: RV Edition,” “Houseboat Hunters,” “Island Hunters,” and even “Tiny House Hunters.” Question: Does this mean that normal-sized people are looking for tiny houses, or are tiny people looking for normal-sized houses? Oh, who am I kidding; I would probably watch it either way. According to a recent statistic,…