'Money' Tagged Posts
Money Minded
How important is money to you? What does money provide you? Besides the obvious physical/tangible elements like various items, housing, transportation, and sustenance – what else do you get out of your wealth and material possessions? Does the balance of your bank account provide your sense of self-worth or does it simply reflect the level in which you’ve been monetarily blessed? Is your identity found in the clothes that you wear and the belongings that you own or is it…
A common practice that coincides with the start of a new year is the making of new year’s resolutions. A New Year’s resolution is a personal declaration of what one intends to do at the start of a new year in order to alter an undesirable behavior or trait, to accomplish a personal goal, or to better some aspect of one’s life. One of the most popular resolutions every year centers around our finances. Financial resolutions may take the form…