'discipleship' Tagged Posts

'discipleship' Tagged Posts


Fully Involved

Have you ever heard the phrase “fully involved”? For many, that phrase refers to whether or not you want all of the fixings on your sandwich at Firehouse Subs. However, that phrase actually comes from the world of firefighting. But how does it apply to discipleship?

New Year’s Resolutions

A common practice that coincides with the start of a new year is the making of New Year’s resolutions. A New Year’s resolution is a personal declaration of what one intends to do at the start of a new year in order to change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve one’s life. Setting such resolutions can be beneficial because they provide a strategic plan for how you intend to make beneficial changes in the…

Zebras, Fish, Ticks, & Dogs

Here is just a small sampling of the more than fifty “one another” statements which the Spirit addresses to the church in the New Testament: “love one another”, “welcome one another”, “pray for one another”, “bear one another’s burdens”, “forgiving one another”, “be kind to one another”, “bearing with one another”, “submitting to one another”, and “encourage one another”. On the backs of many checks, one might find a message stating that this check should not be cashed unless one…

Fix Your Beatitude

In Matthew 4:23-25, we find Jesus in the infancy of His earthly ministry traveling the area of Galilee, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all types of sickness and demon possession. From all of this Jesus starts to amass a large crowd of people following him from city to city. It’s on this particular trek that He finds Himself at the foot of one of the “mountains” on the shore of the sea of Galilee. Matthew 5:1-2 tells…

Don’t Get Comfortable

A comfort zone “is a psychological state in which things feel familiar to a person,” resulting in “experiencing low levels of anxiety and stress” because “they are at ease and in control of their environment.”1 And while that sounds like the optimal place to be, comfort zones can actually become danger zones because they can foster a conditional approach to discipleship. Conditional discipleship is the practice of placing conditions on your spiritual commitments. So, when I say that our comfort…

Don’t Forget to Exercise

The Aqueduct of Segovia is one of the most well preserved elevated Roman aqueducts in the world. It was likely constructed toward the end of the first century or beginning of the second century CE, and yet it still stands today. It was designed to transported water from the Rio Frio River to the city of Segovia, Spain, spanning a distance of nearly eleven miles. The elevated portion of the aqueduct measures 2388 feet in length and is 93.5 feet…